Rehoboth Homestead
Website: rhomestead.com
Rehoboth Homestead is a small farm, a “market garden” with chickens, ducks, and pigs on Jabez Allen Road and Route 9 in Peru, New York. We take the stewardship of the land and animals entrusted to us seriously.
We raise vegetables and cutting flowers on about three acres. The chickens, ducks, and pigs are an excellent addition to the vegetable and flowers. They eat excess or cull vegetables, converting them to meat and eggs. The birds keep the bug population in check also. Our birds get their needed nutrients from plants and insects they get on their own and from grains we feed them. We don’t need to feed specific supplements to get good levels of Omega-3s, etc.
We follow organic production standards as a minimum in our vegetable production. Our livestock is fed certified organic, non-GMO feed that has no medications, no animal byproducts, etc, and they get lots of table scraps, garden veggies, and wildlife that they get while ranging around.
From May through October, we “sell” via our Farm Fresh Food Club CSA, with pickups at the farm and in Plattsburgh, and at our summer farmstand on Route 9. During the other months we are trying this ordering system to provide folks with fresh greens, free-range eggs, and storage vegetables.